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We are the only company that guarantees a 10-20 point IQ increase, measured independent fluid intelligence (Gf) IQ tests.

We provide pre- and post-training standardized IQ tests. 

If you don’t make these gains using our training programs we will reimburse you immediately.

increase iq guarantee

Send us screenshots of your pre- and post-training IQ test results if you did not make the promised IQ gain, and you will be reimbursed for the price of the training program.

.Terms & Conditions for Guarantee 

  • In place of the IQ tests linked to on our site, you may also use professionally administered IQ tests, provided you send documentation.
  • To be eligible for your money back guarantee it is a requirement that you complete the 20 day program.
  • IQ Mindware will reimburse for the cost your original app purchases.

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