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Performance Through Screw-Ups: IQ Growth Mindset

Unless we experience the unpleasant symptoms of being wrong — that surge of Pe activity a few hundred milliseconds after the error, directing our attention to the very thing we’d like to ignore — the brain will never rewire itself to do better. We’ll keep on making the same mistakes, forsaking self-improvement for the sake of our self-image.

How To Optimize Your Dual N-Back Training

How to optimize your dual n-back training with key strategies, including breaking up training into morning and evening, and using goal setting apps.

Brain Training for Depression and Anxiety

Both depression and anxiety can thus be treated with the right kind of computerized brain training, complementing other brain health strategies.

How To Do A Raven Matrices Test

A matrices test is a non-verbal ‘culture fair’ multiple choice IQ test, that measures your fluid intelligence (Gf) – your reasoning and problem solving ability.

What Is IQ and Why Do We Want It?

What is IQ? What is general intelligence? Why is IQ valued? Advantages of a high IQ in the knowledge economy and other considerations.